突破了制动系统高安全控制、制动能量高效率回收、制动负载高精度模拟等瓶颈技术,大规模应用于乘用车、卡车和客车等纯电和混合动力自主车型。获国家科技进步奖二等奖(排 1)。出版专著《车用能量回馈式制动系统的原理与控制》。
攻克了电动化驱动总成混合动力源与机械式自动变速器动态协调控制、基于路况信息实时优化荷电平衡点的智能能量管理等关键技术。获国家科技进步二等奖(排 3)、国家科技发明二等奖(排 4)和中国汽车工业技术进步一等奖(排 1)。主审《电动汽车工程手册-混合动力整车设计》。
发明了电动底盘极限运动力矩解耦与机电分配架构,突破了制动力精准控制和基于电驱动-电制动的转向迟滞精准补偿技术,研制出关键指标优于国际对标车型的高安全电动底盘产品。获北京市科学技术进步一等奖(排 1)。作为总体专家组组长,牵头制定出《电动汽车智能底盘技术路线图》。
1988~1992 吉林工业大学 工学学士
1992~1995 吉林工业大学 硕士研究生
1995~1997 吉林工业大学 博士研究生
1998-01 至1999-11 pg电子游戏官网官方网站博士后/助理研究员 汽车动力总成动态加载测试系统的研制与建设
1999-12 至2001-07 pg电子游戏官网官方网站讲师 车用混合动力系统的方案设计及动态控制
2001-08 至2008-11 pg电子游戏官网官方网站副教授 负责承担国家863计划混合动力电动汽车动力总成控制器研制项目,获国家科技进步二等奖(排 3)
2008-04 至2008-06 德国亚琛工业大学/高访 制动能量回收与回馈制动
2008-12 至2016-04 pg电子游戏官网官方网站汽车工程系教授 负责承担国家863计划能量回馈式电动汽车制动系统关键技术项目,获得国家科技进步二等奖(排 1)
2016-04 至今 pg电子游戏官网官方网站教授 分别负责混合动力和智能电动底盘方向国家重点计划项目,分获行业一等奖和北京市科技进步一等奖(均排 1)
1) 机电耦合新型线控制动系统与智能底盘总体架构
2) 动力-底盘-自驾多系统融合控制
3) 智能电动底盘极限控制
4) 智能电动底盘失效运行及切换控制
负责本科生《车用动力总成的原理与匹配》、留学生《Alternative Vehicle Propulsion System》、研究生《汽车及其动力发展前沿》3门课程。
3)中国汽车工程学会 线控制动与底盘智能控制工作组主任
4)中国汽车工程学会 智能底盘分会主任委员
5)中国汽车工程学会 世界电动汽车智能底盘大会组委会委员兼程序委员会主任
研究期间共授权国家发明专利55项;共发表SCI/ EI检索论文98篇。其中代表性论文如下:
1)Distributed finite-time safety consensus control of vehicle platoon with senor and actuator failures;Han Jinheng、Zhang Junzhi*、He Chengkun、Lv Chen、Hou Xiaohui、Ji Yuan;IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology;2022年
2)Autonomous driving at the handling limit using residual reinforcement learning;Hou Xiaohui、Zhang Junzhi *、He Chengkun、Ji Yuan、Zhang Junfeng、Han Jinheng;Advanced Engineering Informatics,2022年(第54卷)
3)Wheel Braking Pressure Control Based on Central Booster Electrohydraulic Brake-by-wire System;Ji Yuan、Zhang Junzhi、He Chengkun、Hou Xiaohui、Liu Weilong、Hu Hanyang;IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification,2022年
4)Constraint performance pressure tracking control with asymmetric continuous friction compensation for booster based brake-by-wire system,Ji Yuan、Zhang Junzhi、He Chengkun、Ma Ruihai、Hou Xiaohui、Hu Hanyang;Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing,2022年(第174卷)
5)Crash mitigation controller for unavoidable T-bone collisions using reinforcement learning;Hou Xiaohui、Zhang Junzhi *、He Chengkun、Li Chao、Ji Yuan、Han Jinheng;ISA Transactions;2022年(第130卷)
6)A Novel Double Redundant Brake-by-Wire System for High Automation Driving Safety: Design, Optimization and Experimental Validation; Li Chao、Zhang Junzhi、Hou Xiaohui、Ji Yuan、Han Jinheng、He Chengkun、Hao Jiangmai; ACTUATORS;2021年(第10卷)11期
7)Adaptive distributed finite-time fault-tolerant controller for cooperative braking of the vehicle platoon;Han Jinheng、Zhang Junzhi*、He Chengkun、Lv Chen、Li Chao、Hou Xiaohui、Ji Yuan;IET Intelligent Transport Systems;2021年(第15卷)第12期
8)Autonomous drift controller for distributed drive electric vehicle with input coupling and uncertain disturbance;Hou Xiaohui、Zhang Junzhi*、Ji Yuan、Liu Weilong、He Chengkun;ISA Transactions;2022年(第120卷)
9)Dual-mode regenerative braking control strategy of electric vehicle based on active disturbance rejection control;Sun Dongsheng、Zhang Junzhi*、He Chengkun、Han Jinheng;Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering;2021年(第235卷)第6期
10)A Novel Initiative Braking System With Nondegraded Fallback Level for ADAS and Autonomous Driving;Yuan Y、Zhang JZ;IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS;2020年(第67卷)6期
11)A Novel Regenerative Electrohydraulic Brake System: Development and Hardware-In-Loop Tests;Yuan Ye、Zhang Junzhi、Li Yutong、Li Chao; IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology;2018年(第65卷)第12期
12)The influence of accessory energy consumption on evaluation method of braking energy recovery contribution rate;Li Ning、Zhang Junzhi、Zhang Siyi;Energy Conversion and Management;2018年6月第166期
13)Coordinated control of the steering system and the distributed motors for comprehensive optimization of the dynamics performance and the energy consumption of an electric vehicle; Li Yutong、Zhang Junzhi、Lv Chen、Yuan Ye;PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS PART D-JOURNAL OF AUTOMOBILE ENGINEERING;2017年10月(第231卷)第12期
14)Time-varying delays compensation algorithm for powertrain active damping of an electrified vehicle equipped with an axle motor during regenerative braking;Junzhi Zhang、Yutong Li、Chen Lv、Jinfang Gou、Ye Yuan; Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing;2017年3月第87卷
15)Directional-Stability-Aware Brake Blending Control Synthesis for Over-Actuated Electric Vehicles During Straight-Line Deceleration;Chen Lv、Junzhi zhang、Yutong Li、Ye Yuan;Mechatronics;2016年9月第38卷
16)Novel control algorithm of braking energy regeneration system for an electric vehicle during safety-critical driving maneuvers;Lv Chen、Zhang Junzhi、 Li Yutong;Energy Conversion and Management;2015年12月第106卷
17)Mode-switching-based active control of a powertrain system with non-linear backlash and flexibility for an electric vehicle during regenerative deceleration;Lv Chen、Zhang Junzhi、Li Yutong、Yuan Ye;Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering;2015年9月(第11卷)第229期
18)Mechanism analysis and evaluation methodology of regenerative braking contribution to energy efficiency improvement of electrified vehicles;Lv Chen、Zhang Junzhi、Li Yutong、Yuan Ye;Energy Conversion and Management;2015年3月第92期
19)Extended-Kalman-filter-based regenerative and friction blended braking control for electric vehicle equipped with axle motor considering damping and elastic properties of electric powertrain;Lv Chen、Zhang Junzhi、Li Yutong;Vehicle System Dynamics;2014年11月(第52卷)第11期
20)Hardware-in-the-loop simulation of pressure-difference-limiting modulation of the hydraulic brake for regenerative braking control of electric vehicles;Lv Chen、Zhang Junzhi、Li Yutong、Sun Dongsheng、Yuan Ye;Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering;2014年5月(第228卷)第6期
21)Study on a linear relationship between limited pressure difference and coil current of on/off valve and its influential factors;Junzhi Zhang、Chen Lv、Xiaowei Yue and Ye Yuan;ISA Transactions;2014年1月(第53卷)第1期
22)New regenerative braking control strategy for rear-driven electrified minivans;Zhang Junzhi、Li Yutong、Lv Chen、Yuan Ye;Energy Conversion and Management;2014年(第82卷)
23)Braking energy regeneration control of a fuel cell hybrid electric bus;Junzhi Zhang、Chen Lv、Mingzhe Qiu、Yutong Li、Dongsheng Sun;Energy Conversion and Management;2013年(第76卷)
24)Cooperative control of regenerative braking and hydraulic braking of an electrified passenger car;Junzhi Zhang、 Chen Lv、Jinfang Gou and Decong Kong;Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering;2012年4月(第226卷)第10期
25) Optimization of control strategy for regenerative braking of an electrified bus equipped with an anti-lock braking system;J Zhang、D Kong、L Chen and X Chen;Proceedings of the Institution of 26)Mechanical Engineers Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering;2012年4月(第226卷)第4期
ISG hybrid powertrain: a rule-based driver model incorporating look-ahead information;Shen SW (Shen, Shuiwen)、Zhang JZ (Zhang, Junzhi)、 Chen XJ (Chen, Xiaojiang)、Zhong QC;VEHICLE SYSTEM DYNAMICS;2010年(第48卷)第3期
27) Integrated control of braking energy regeneration and pneumatic anti-lock braking;Zhang JZ、Chen X、Zhang PJ;PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS PART D-JOURNAL OF AUTOMOBILE ENGINEERING;2010年5月(第224卷)第5期
28) Amphoteric ion exchange membrane synthesized by radiation-induced graft copolymerization of styrene and dimethylaminoethyl methacrylate into PVDF film for vanadium redox flow battery applications;Qiu JY (Qiu, Jingyi)、Zhang JZ (Zhang, Junzhi)、Chen JH (Chen, Jinhua) and Peng J;JOURNAL OF MEMBRANE SCIENCE;2009年(第334卷)第1期
29) High frequency decoupling strategy for the PEM fuel cell hybrid system;Liu Guidong and Zhang Junzhi;International Journal of Hydrogen Energy;2008年11月(第33卷)第21期
30) Adaptive control of the airflow of a PEM fuel cell system;Zhang Junzhi、Liu Guidong、Wensheng Yu, Minggao Ouyang;POWER SOURCES;2008年5月179卷2期